27 Jul
Published in Public information


VRANCART RECYCLING SRL, owner of the project "Greenfield investment for the establishment of a waste recycling and recovery unit in Adjud municipality, Vrancea County, stage II", announces the interested public on the decision of the classification stage by the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency, without environmental impact assessment, within the environmental impact assessment procedure for the project  "Greenfield investment for the establishment of a waste recycling and recovery unit in Adjud municipality, Vrancea county, stage II", proposed to be located in Adjud municipality, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 17, T66, P436, P436/1, P436/2, jud. Vrancea.

The draft classification decision and the reasons underlying it can be consulted at the headquarters of the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency in Focsani, str. Dinicu Golescu nr. 2, Monday-Thursday from 8:00 to 16:30 and Friday from 9:00 to 14:00, as well as at the following internet address http://apmvn.anpm.ro.

The interested public may submit comments/observations to the draft classification decision within 10 days from the date of publication of the notice on the website of the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency.


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