  • How is access to the shareholders' general meeting allowed for the legal entities shareholders? +

    The access for a legal entity shareholder is allowed at the shareholders` general meeting based on an identity document of the natural person representing the legal entity and on the power of attorney provided for this natural person. The power of attorney represents any official document that certifies the fact
  • What are the shareholders' rights provided by Art. 7 and Art. 13 of the National Securities Commission Regulation no. 6/2009? +

    Art. 7 (1) One or more shareholders representing, individually or together, at least 5% of the company`s share capital, are entitled to: a) to introduce points to the general meeting`s agenda, provided that each point shall be accompanied by a justification or a decision project proposed for approval by the
  • What is "the special power of attorney" ? +

    "The special power of attorney" is the mandate given by a shareholder to a natural person or to a legal entity for the purpose to exert, on behalf of the respective shareholder, some or all rights that he holds within the general meeting.
  • What is "the registration date" ? +

    The registration date is the calendar date settled by the shareholders` general meeting, which serves for the identification of the shareholders who will benefit of dividends or other rights and upon which other shareholders` general meeting effects shall be reflected, being at least 10 days subsequent to the shareholders` general
  • What is "the reference date" ? +

    The reference date is the calendar date settled by the company`s board of directors, which serves for the identification of the shareholders who are entitled to participate at the shareholders` general meeting and vote within it. The reference date must be subsequent to the notice of meeting publication and previous
  • Were the dividents for the 2009 period assigned? What is their value? +

    For the 2009 period, the EGMS has established by The Decree No. 1 of 25.03.2010 the increase of the share capital with the amount of 10.009.275,40 lei, having as sources 4.608.774,40 lei of the 2009 period net profit allocation and 5.400.501 lei of the 2008 period net profit allocation. A
  • Which is the mandate model for the GMS meetings? +

    You can find the mandate model at the Legal department of our society and in the "For Shareholders" section of our web site -
  • Which are the conditions that a person must meet in order to participate to the GMS meetings? +

    In order to participate to the GMS meetings, one must have full capacity of exercise. One can participate on one`s own behalf, when he is a shareholder of the society or represents, by means of legal mandate, a shareholder.
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