Regarding the public debate of the request for updating/revising the integrated environmental permit.

VRANCART S.A., headquartered in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu Street, Bucharest county. Vrancea, announces the interested public on the public debate on the request for updating/revising the integrated environmental permit no. 1/18.03.2015 revised on 14.04.2020, issued for the activities "Production in industrial paper or cardboard plants with a production capacity of over 20 tons/day" and "Disposal of non-hazardous waste with a capacity of over 50 tons/day", carried out on the site in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu Street, Slovakia county. Vrancea, activities provided in Annex 1 of Law no. 278/2013 on industrial emissions in the category:

  1. 1.b.- Production in industrial paper or cardboard plants, with a production capacity of over 20 t/day;
  2. 2.a- Disposal or recovery of waste in waste incineration plants or in waste co-incineration plants: a) in the case of non-hazardous waste, with a capacity of more than 3 tons per hour;
  3. 3.a- Disposal of non-hazardous waste with a capacity of more than 50 tons per day, involving, except for activities that fall under the provisions of Annex no. 1 to the Government Decision no. 188/2002 for the approval of some norms regarding the conditions of discharge into the aquatic environment of wastewater, with subsequent amendments and completions, the performance of one or more of the following activities: (ii) pre-treatment of waste for incineration or co-incineration.
  4. 1- Combustion of fuels in installations with a total nominal thermal power equal to or greater than 50 MW,

which will take place at the headquarters of VRANCART SA, in Adjud, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 17, jud. Vrancea, on October 31, 2024, at 14:00.

The information on the environmental impact resulting from the activity carried out can be consulted at the headquarters of VRANCART SA in Adjud, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 17, jud. Vrancea and at the headquarters of the Vrancea MPA, in Dinicu Golescu Street, no. 2, county. Vrancea from Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 16:30 and Friday between 08:00 and 14:00.

Observations, suggestions, proposals of the public are received in writing at the headquarters of APM Vrancea, str. Dinicu Golescu, nr. 2, until the date of the public debate.

VRANCART S.A., headquartered in Adjud, str. Ec. Teodoroiu, nr. 17, notifies the interested public on the submission of the request for updating the integrated environmental permit, in order to carry out the following activities: Production in industrial paper or cardboard plants, with a production capacity of over 20 tons/day, Disposal of non-hazardous waste with a capacity of over 50 tons/day, Disposal or recovery of waste in waste incineration plants or in waste co-incineration plants; Combustion of fuels in installations with a total nominal thermal power equal to or greater than 50 MW, which takes place in Adjud, str. Ec. Teodoroiu, nr. 17, jud. Vrancea, an activity provided for in Annex no. 1, items 6.1.b, 5.3.a (ii), 5.2.a, 1.1 of Law no. 278/2013 on industrial emissions.

The information regarding the potential environmental impact of the activity for which the revision of the integrated environmental permit is requested can be consulted daily from Monday to Thursday between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. and Friday between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m., at the headquarters of the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency in Focsani, Dinicu Golescu str. no. 2.

The observations, suggestions and/or proposals of the public are received in writing, at the headquarters of A.P.M Vrancea, within 30 days of the appearance of the announcement.

VRANCART RECYCLING SRL, owner of the project "Dismantling the light hall (tent) - C2 and building a hall for the establishment of a technological line for the recycling of plastic material flakes", announces the interested public about the adoption decision by the Environmental Protection Agency Vrancea, without the evaluation impact on the environment, in the framework of the environmental impact assessment procedure for the project "Dismantling the light hall (tent) - C2 and building a hall for the establishment of a technological line for the recycling of plastic material flakes", proposed to be located in the municipality of Adjud, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, no 17, T66, P436, P436/1, P436/2, Vrancea county.
           The project of the framework decision and the reasons behind it can be consulted at the APM Vrancea headquarters, str. Dinicu Golescu, no 2, Vrancea county, on Mondays - Thursdays, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and on Fridays between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., as well as at the following internet address
          The interested public can submit comments/observations on the framework decision within 10 days from the date of publication of the announcement on the website of the Environmental Protection Agency Vrancea.

VRANCART informs the interested parties about the publication of the Simplified Prospectus for the offer related to the share capital increase operation of the Company, approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority by Decision no. 455 dated 13.05.2024. The documentation can be consulted here.

               VRANCART RECYCLING SRL announces the interested public about the submission of the request to issue the environmental agreement for the project: "Dismantling the light hall (tent) - C2 and building a hall for the establishment of a technological line for the recycling of plastic material flakes", proposed to be located in the municipality. Adjud, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, no. 17, T66, P436, P436/1, P436/2, Vrancea county.
             Information on the proposed project can be consulted at the headquarters of APM Vrancea, 2 Dinicu Golescu street, Vrancea county, on Mondays - Thursdays, between 8:00-16:30 and on Fridays between 8:00-14:00 and at the headquarters of Vrancart Recycling SRL in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, Vrancea county, on Mondays - Thursdays, between 8:00-16:30 and on Fridays between 8:00-14:00.
            Public comments are received daily at the APM Vrancea headquarters.

VRANCART RECYCLING SRL announces to the interested public about the decision to issue the environmental agreement for the project: "Installation of a central production of electricity and thermal energy through cogeneration, respectively a combustion boiler and the construction of a transformation station", proposed to be located in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, T66, P436, P436/1, P436/2, Vrancea county.
              The draft of environmental agreement and the relevant information for decision-making can be consulted at the APM Vrancea headquarters, Dinicu Golescu street, no. 2, Vrancea county and at the headquarters in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, on Mondays - Thursdays, between 8:00 -16:30 and on Fridays between 8:00- 14:00, as well as at the following internet address htpp://
           Public comments/contestations are received at the headquarters of the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency, in Focsani, 2 Dinicu Golescu street, Vrancea county, within 10 days from the date of publication of the announcement on the website of the competent authority for environmental protection.


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